We often use a wide variety of electronic products, but we often don't know what these electronic products are made of. What are the components inside, and what kind of functions will the ffc soft cable have? Ffc soft cable is widely used in the connection between various printer print heads and motherboards, signal transmission and board connection of plotters, scanners, copiers, stereos, LCD appliances, fax machines, various DVD players and other products. In modern electrical equipment, there is almost nowhere. Broadly speaking, almost all mechanical and electronic products require the use of ffc flexible cable. Just like the computer we use for office work, we need to use a lot of ffc soft cable. The most common one is USBFFc soft cable for storing data. Don't underestimate it is just a small thing. All the processes need to be common. Completed. A small ffc soft cable production requires four links, which require stamping, electroplating, injection molding, assembly and final molding supply, and the technicians involved are also engaged in relevant electronics industry. Typical ffc soft cable engineers, product development engineers, abrasive engineers, automation engineers, injection engineers and quality engineers and other important talents, only the mutual cooperation can complete the production of the product.
In general, the raw materials of ffc flexible cable can be divided into three categories: metal material, plastic material and plating material. The stability and reliability of the ffc flexible cable signal can maintain stable contact force and low resistance value, which can improve signal transmission. . Durability also increases the overall life of the device. Copper has great flexibility in design and maintains good yield strength. The plastic material is more PC plastic, excellent stamping resistance, excellent transparency, transparent material, excellent heat resistance temperature, good dimensional stability, and sweeping toxicity suitable for outdoor use. The function of ffc soft cable is not to transmit current and signal, but also to bring great convenience to life and make life more beautiful. Therefore, we need to further explore the excellent performance and structural characteristics of ffc soft cable.


Mr. Wang

+86 139-2290-9974





